Wi-Fi 6E devices for Hong Kong – Let us help

We would like to inform you that Wi-Fi 6E Access Point devices must comply with the Office of the Communications Authority’s (OFCA) Radio Equipment Specifications before they can be launched for sale in the Hong Kong market.

Wi-Fi 6E access points are subject to the Compulsory Certification Scheme (CCS) in Hong Kong, and must conform to the technical standard HKCA 1081 – Performance Specification for Radiocommunications Apparatus Operating in the 6 GHz Band for Wireless Local Area Network, as well as the reference ETSI standard EN 303 687: 6 GHz WAS/RLAN; Harmonized Standard for access to radio spectrum.

Please be noted Wi-Fi 6E access points sold in Hong Kong must meet the following technical requirements: Frequency Range of 5.925 – 6.425 GHz, with a maximum Output Power of 24 dBm EIRP for indoor use and 14 dBm EIRP for outdoor use.

BACL is a CB for OFCA which means we are fully capable to provide testing and certification in house here in US for your compliance needs regarding this topic.

If you are interested in discussing further, please feel free to contact sales@baclcorp.com.