US EPA – Set Top Box Sunset Announcement
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the sunset of the ENERGY STAR specification for Set-Top Boxes (STB) and the Set-Top Box Service Provider Partnership, effective September 29, 2023.
In response to EPA’s proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for Set-Top Boxes and the Set-Top Box Service Provider partnership, EPA received one set of supportive comments. The comments agreed with EPA that the relevance and usage of set-top boxes has drastically declined over the years since EPA began recognizing efficiency leadership in these products. The market shift to lower energy using alternatives to accessing content, enables EPA to sunset the ENERGY STAR Set-Top Box specification and Set-Top Box Service Provider partnership. Further, EPA expects, and stakeholders agreed, that the Set-Top Box Energy Use Voluntary Agreement will prevent backsliding in efficiency gains.
BACL, as a Certify Body and Test Lab for Energy Star program, can share more information with you if you are interested in this topic. Please kindly contact